Top 10 most popular youtubers in India

in this post I am going to tell you Top 10 most popular youtubers in India Friends, there has been a lot of grouth in YouTube in India as well as in the vlogging community, in fact, Vlogging was first started by the US YouTube Creator …… where Vlogging Fam was ever quite populer, and today the world YouTube Creator from all over started doing Vlogging and at the same time Indian Creator started Vlogging, so today we are going to tell the people about Top 10 Vlogger Of India, so read this post till the end.

top 10 bloggers of india

Top 10 most popular youtubers in India

No. 10 Mohit Chikkra

By the way, Mohit Chikkra started his YouTube Carrier with Harshbeniwal’s video and Mohit Chikkra is an important part of Harshbeniwal’s video, Mohit started his Vlogging channel almost 2 years from today, and uploaded the video for the first time. After that he started getting good response from YouTube and after seeing this, he completed subscription of 1 lakh on Mohit’s channel in just 4 months and as of today, Mohit’s channel has more than 1.6 Million Subscriber.

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No. 9 Traveling Desi

The Cteater of this channel is Mohit Manocha who has been living in Canada for almost a year, Mohit started his YouTube channel almost 3 years ago in 2017 and in early days he did not get good response to his channel on YouTube. But for the last few months, he was started to takeoff by YouTube Channel and as on date his channel has 1.22 Million Subscriber.

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No 8. Mountain Tracker

Varun Vagish, the Cteater of this channel, who is a Full Time Travel Vloger, has also been awarded the National Tourism Awards by the Government of India for spreading Awarnes about Tourism. Varun has been uploading regular videos on his channel since 2016, as on date, his channel has 1.32 Million Subscriber.

top 10 travel bloggers of india

No 7. MSK: –

The channel’s Cteater is Mohhmad Salim khan

MSK is a Traveling Vlogger, who uploads Releted Video from Bikriding Lifestyle on his channel, and MSK loves making videos with his Fam. MSK started its YouTube Carrier in 2016, however, MSK’s Succes Story is also very inspriring, which will be talked about in the post again and talk about how MSK currently has 2.59 Million Subscriber on their YouTube Channel. Which describes their Succes well.

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No.6 Jatt Prabjoot: –

This channel’s Cteater is Prabjoot which is very popular in Indian Vlogging Community, Prabjoot uploads Releted videos from Motovlogging, Travels and Lifestyle on his channel, he started his YouTube Carrier in 2015 and his videos liked his audience a lot. And has a 1.79 Million Subscriber on their channel to date.

top bloggers of india

No.5 Js Films: –

This channel’s Cteater is Jaswinder Singh, also popularly known as JSN, JSN uploads uploaded videos from Superbike Review, Motovlogging, Traveling and Lifestyle on his channel, he started his YouTube Carrier in 2014 and Jsn’s Funny Style and Videography Style are very much liked by their subscrier, and as of today, their channel has a total of 2.59 Million Subscriber.

top 10 bloggers india

No.4 Mumbiker Nikhil: –

Nikhil Sharma is the Cteater of this channel, let us tell you that Nikhil is one of the selected YouTubers who started uploading Vlogging videos on YouTube. Today Nikhil is not interested in the introduction, he started his YouTube Carrier in 2014. Nikhil YouTube se has also previously worked at Qatar Airbase and some TV serials, as of date Nikhil has a full 3.54 Million Subscriber on the channel.

india top 10 bloggers

No.3 Gaurav Zone: –

Gaurav Sharma uploads Lifestyle Videos on his channel, Gaurav Sharma is the Cteater of this channel, Gaurav started his YouTube Carrier in 2014 and as of date he has more than 3.61 Million Subscriber on his channel.

top 10 bloggers

No.2 Gaurav Chaudhary: –

The Gaurav Chaudhary Vlog channel is the second YouTube channel of Technical Guruji, perhaps I do not think that you will need to tell me much about this channel if you talk to Subscriber, their channel has 4.43 Million as on date.

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No.1 Flying Beats: –

The channel’s Cteater is Gaurav Tneza.

Gaurav Tneza is not only India’s largest YouTube Vlogers but also the most Hard Work YouTuber, he is also called Hard Work because Gaurav is a YouTuber as well as a Full Time Pilot, and that’s why Hard Work today They have reached this point, and as of date they have a 4.52 Million Subscriber on their channel as well as No.1 YouTube Vlogging Channel of Flying Beats India.

top 10 indian food bloggers


Friends, who is your favorite Vlogger? And whose videos you like to watch, you must tell us in the Comment Box.





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